“Nature can do all for you, and you can do all for nature”

205 | Aix en Provence, France

A story from Antoine & Stephan about nature, feeling at home and real colours.

“We love nature, we love to be in nature…we love food, herbs, all the things that come from nature. This guy helped me to find what I really love, what I appreciate. For me nature is my salvation, I feel alive when I can see the green and the blue, the real colors, not pollution.“
“It’s all you need, nature can do all for you and you have to do all for nature, it’s our duty.”

Meet a Stranger a day - http://365docobites.com

365 documentaries in 365 days - Strangers' short and shorter stories.

Big thanks to the folks at http://nature-en-soi.e-monsite.com & http://www.huwans-clubaventure.fr for making this docobite possible.

Song - 'Clear Waters' Kevin MacLoud (incompetech.com)"

France Environnement animation nature aix en provence sortie nature nature en soi reportage Documentaire Écologie nature

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